Hosted by GitHub

Finally, I’ve completed transition of this blog to GitHub pages, planned over two years ago. I did the first step — migration to a static site engine (specifically, Acrylamid) — back in March 2014. And since than I’ve been saying to myself “one day I must move it to a GitHub as it’s a best free hosting for a static site”.
I couldn’t tell for how long I’d continue slacking like this, but now I had to do this. This site was hosted at free hosting service provided by since it’s very beginning and recently I’ve received a notification, that EOMY shuts down it’s shared hosting, completely focusing on VDS. It’s a bit sad news, as EOMY managed to provide fantastically stable and reliable hosting for all this years, so great thank you for them and good luck with VDS business!
By the way, I have plans on implementing an automated process of site generation and deployment using TravisCI the way it’s done for GCB-JS. If i do this, I’d be able to blog right from GitHub interface, which would be pretty cool :-)